Auto Body Repair Estimate in Toledo, OH

Only schedule appointments for estimates: 419-842-7882
Schedule A Free Estimate Today With Yark Collision Center
Monday-Friday — 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Saturday – Closed
If you’ve been involved in an accident or require auto maintenance, know that you can get a free auto body repair estimate at our collision center in Toledo, OH. Our service experts work on makes and models of all kinds, so whether you drive a Nissan, Honda, BMW or a vehicle of another make, you can bring your car to us with confidence. Schedule a car repair estimate online and one of our service experts will inspect your vehicle. We can provide you with a list of the auto repairs that need to be made and let you know what the price will be. If you’d like to leave your vehicle at the Yark Collision Center, one of our service technicians will contact you once repairs are complete.
Yark Collision Center offers complimentary auto repair estimates during:*
Monday-Friday — 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Saturday – Closed
To schedule a free car repair estimate, contact Yark Collision Center. We’ll get you in at the time that’s most convenient for you and put together an estimate quickly. Once you know roughly how much auto repairs will cost, you can speak with our auto body repair experts about any questions or concerns you may have. Our goal is to get your vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible, so don’t hesitate to schedule a repair estimate at our Toledo auto body shop!
*auto repair estimates must be made by an appointment.